

The bamboo are the tallest and the most graceful of the Grasses, belonging to the family 'Poaceae'. It grows abundantly in the forest. There are about 30 genera and 550 species. Out of these 136 species occur in India. Some bamboo flowers once during their life time and die out soon after flowering. Flowering takes place at an interval of 25-50 years. But some species flower every third year and a few flowers annually. Bamboo seed germinate readily. Bamboo is best propagated by offset, cutting and layering.

Many articles of everyday uses are made out of bamboo viz. Mats, baskets, toys, pipes, fans etc., Bamboo seeds generally resemble those of rice, but are somewhat bigger in size. Bamboo grain are extensively eaten by the poorer class during famine.

Bamboo forms a rich raw material for the manufacture of Rayon. The stems of these are cut into fine pieces and chemically treated to form pulp. The pulp is bleached and drawn in very fine threads. 'Rayon', is almost as strong as silk. It is more resistant to perspiration and it is unaffected by salt and air. Kept on display are the different varieties of bamboo.