The celebrated dance drama of Kerala is illustrated by a set of the four principal character types, which portray the leading roles. The first of these is the sedate character Pachai (Green) of the great epic heroes like Dharmaputra and Arjuna who conform to the Apollonian way of life. The second Kathi (Sword) is the more imperial and royal character who is egocentric and megalomaniac in nature like Ravana and Duryodhana. The third, Thadi (beard) is the character of the terrific demoniac role of the classical villain of the drama represented by such examples as Bakasura, Keechaka. The fourth character Stri (woman) represents one of the royal ladies such as Damayanti or Rukmani whose character roles are almost quite uniform so as to conform to a single type. These figures depict the actual costumes and make up of the principal characters of the dramatic art of Kerala.