The cat bear or panda (Ailurus fulgens) is distinguished by its rounded head, large, erect, pointed ears and short, stumpy snout. Its coat is bright chestnut brown in colour, and its tail is encircled by a series of black ring-like markings. The distribution of the Panda ranges over the Himalayas from Nepal and Sikkim eastwards to Upper Burma and Southern China. Within Indian limits, the Panda lives in the temperate forests of the Himalayas at altitudes above 5000 feet . It spends the day resting among the higher branches of the trees where it lies curled up with its bushy tail wrapped up over its head. The strong, semi retractile claws enable it to get a firm grip while climbing trees. In the evening it descends to the ground in search of its food, which consists mostly of roots, succulent grasses, fallen fruits, eggs, insects and their larvae. In captivity it prefers food sweetened with sugar. Usually two young are born during spring.