It is widely distributed in India, Sri Lanka and a greater part of Burma. Like other species of varanus, it is carnivorous and feeds on birds, eggs of birds, small mammals, reptiles, fishes and even large insects. Sometimes it is also known to feed on carrion. It can run at a great speed and when it does so it keeps the tail lifted up at an angle from the ground. It can climb trees very well and when chased, it readily disappears in the hollow of a tree. When angered or cornered, it becomes ferocious and bites hard, hissing loudly and lashing its tail vigorously. It enters water readily and is able to swim well. Its coloration harmonises well with its surroundings. Its tail and claws are very strongly developed and the powerful grip with which it can take hold of vertical surfaces is well known. Its flesh is supposed to have restorative properties and hence used in making medicinal preparations. Its eggs are also eaten.