Tiruchhinnampoondi, Thanjavur District. About 10th Century AD.
This stone sculpture of Ardhanarisvara is one of the most elegant sculptures of South India. He is carved on high relief and stands on a padmasana in tribhanga pose and is three armed. He wears a high Jatamakuta, which is most beautifully treated. The face is delightfully turned to the left. The right ear wears makara kundala and the left patrakundala. The nose is unfortunately broken. The series of haravalis well treated on the left side is taken as rings on the right chest. The right half representing Siva bears two hands, the upper left holding parasu and the lower right resting on the back of his bull. The only left arm holds a lily. The Keyura on the right arm is like a coiled snake and on the left it is a jewelled one. Yajnopavita is probably taken round the right arm. No udharabandha is present. The katisutra is well treated. A well sculpted bull stands facing the devotee, behind the master. This sculpture is weathered owing to long exposure to sun and rain.