

The District Museum at Palani was Established in 1997 Including collection such as Sculptures, Palm leaf Manuscripts, Coins, Musical Instruments, Paintings, Geological, Botanical and Zoological specimens are on display..

Out of the Coin Collections one of the most Interesting Collections is that Of Palani Coins(17th Century AD) received as Gift. The Coin has One side the figure Peacock and other side Inscribed the Name "Palani" in Tamil.

Wood Carvings 16th Century AD acquired from the Cholapuram Temple Car as Gift from the Temple authorities Concerned. Variety Of the Burial Urns, arms and tribal materials ( Nilgiris Todas ), are also on display.

The Educational Activities Of this Museum include Summer Art Camp for School Children's, Competition and Special Exhibition etc.

Contact Details :

Museum Address :
The Curator,
Government Museum,
Sannadhi Street,
Palani - 624 601.


  • Nataraja Stone Sculpture - 18th Century A.D.
    Nataraja Stone Sculpture - 18th Century A.D.

    Stone sculpture of Nataraja represents the dancing form in Anandatandava. The right leg of Nataraja is placed on the back of a demon called Muyalagan and the left leg is raised. The upper left hand holds a fire pot (agni) and the upper right hand holds a kettle drum (udukkai). The lower right hand holds in the abhaya pose, the lower left is bent across to the right side in the position known as gajahasta. Here the prabhe is very simple without agni. This stone sculpture taken from Karaikudi, Sivagangai District belongs to 18th Century A.D. Height 70 cm, breadth 40 cm.

  • Ganesa Stone Sculpture - 20th Century A.D.
    Ganesa Stone Sculpture - 20th Century A.D.

    Stone sculpture of Ganesa is a standing form in a different one. This sculpture was received as a Treasure Trove from Kodaikanal Lake Area, Kodaikanal Taluk Office on 03.09.1998. It belongs to 20th Century A.D. The disposition of the trunk is in the Valampuri manner. The loverlykarandamakuta is noteworthy. Height 84 cm, breath 46 cm.