Government of Tamil Nadu Museum Department opened its fourteenth multipurpose museum at Tiruvarur in the year 1998. The Museum is located in an ancient Mandapa of Thyagaraja Swami Temple, which is 300 years old. Sculptures from 10th to 17th Century AD, bronzes of 12th & 14th Century AD, wood carvings (150 years old), decorative items of 14th Century AD, Foreign coins, currencies, coins of Chera, Chola, Pandya, Vijayangara, etc., anthropological objects such as stone age tools, potteries, burial urns, tribal implements & ornaments, metal-ware objects , handicraft items, musical instruments, arms (such as Muzzle loading guns), art objects such as watercolor paintings, oil paintings and many natural history specimens are some of the important exhibits of the museum. A recently unearthed Buddha sculpture from Kudavasal Taluk, Tiruvarur District, belonging to the 10th- 11th century AD, is a noteworthy one. The educational activities of this museum include monthly lectures, art competitions, handicraft-training programs to school / college students, etc.
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